Think & Grow Balls!: Free PDF Download

I’ve been thinking of doing something fun with my book for some time now and I thought my new blog would be a great place to try it.  What I would like to do is offer you my book for FREE.  You can download it by clicking the link below:

Think & Grow Balls! Free PDF Download

There, that was easy, wasn’t it?  So what’s the catch?  Well, the catch is that the file above is “password-protected” and you need a special password to open the file.  So, how do you get the password, you ask?  That’s easy!  You just have to complete the Password Scavenger Hunt.



Escape Velocity Pep-Talk #2

This post is part two of a multi-part post featuring the original Escape Velocity Pep-Talks written by J.D. Bloodstone.  Originally written in 2008, these pep-talks were a supplemental weekly e-mail course sent to people who downloaded Think & Grow Balls! in its original e-book format.  These newsletters were recently discovered in an archived folder on an old computer after having been lost by the hosting provider and feared lost forever.  I am happy to report that they will be released on this blog over the coming months.



Think & Grow Balls! – An Interview with J.D. Bloodstone

I finished writing Think & Grow Balls! in December of 2007.  The book had been churning in me for years before I actually set down to write everything out.  During my writing, I realized I was suggesting some pretty deep ideas.  Not feeling comfortable with what was in the book I set out to interview as many people as I could to bounce my ideas off of them.  I spent six months conducting field research, meeting and talking to new people, making great friends and solidifying my ideas which later become the final version of my book.  I think my book connects with so many people because my ideas were boiled down to the concepts that bind all of us together.  By the time I had the book ready to submit to my publisher, I had a list of hundreds of people that wanted an advance copy of it.  I knew I had written something good!


Read more about the article Napoleon Hill’s Carnegie Secret Revealed!
Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill’s Carnegie Secret Revealed!

People are searching for the Carnegie Secret so intensely that they’re willing to pay good money for it.  But, before they do… they should know something about the secret:  it cannot be purchased for money… and, anyone who tries to sell it for a monetary price is a fraud.  Let me explain.  If Napoleon Hill wanted you to know what the secret was, don’t you think he would have told you in Think & Grow Rich?  If he wanted to make money off of the secret don’t you think he would have done so in his lifetime?  Or, perhaps his foundation might have done so in the years after his death?

I thought so.


Escape Velocity Pep-Talk #1

Several years ago I used to write a series of e-mails called Escape Velocity Pep-Talks that I used to send out to my readers on a weekly basis.  They were extremely popular and my list of subscribers was growing on a daily basis.  I had several months worth of pep-talks written and several thousand subscribers when I received an e-mail from my service provider informing me that their server had crashed and lost all of my data.  I immediately picked up the phone to confirm the bad news and needless to say I was pretty bummed.
