Think & Grow Balls!: Free Audio Book Download

Did you know that and audio version of Think & Grow Balls! is available for download as audio MP3 files? Don’t worry… most people didn’t either; however, I’ve decided to make them available for the first time. I had originally thought I would charge people to download these, but then I thought that if anyone really wants to listen to me read my book over a mix of transcendental background music for over an hour they can just have them for free…


Read more about the article The Circle is Complete – Two New Books by J.D. Bloodstone Now Available!
Awaken the Balls Within

The Circle is Complete – Two New Books by J.D. Bloodstone Now Available!

I had always planned on writing a follow-up to Think & Grow Balls!, but I didn’t know that it would be six years before I wrote it.  To tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure when I was going to write it… I just knew that there was more to say on the topic… much more.  But, as with a lot of people, the last six years have been rough and I was too busy “righting the ship” to collect my thoughts long enough to sit down and compose a book.  The positive side of this experience has been twofold.  First, I was able to test out a lot of my own theory to prove to myself, once again, that my philosophy works, and with it, I was able to accomplish what I set out to do while facing several significant obstacles.  Second, I was able to come up with enough new information that what was supposed to become one book became two.  Napoleon Hill once said that with all temporary failure comes the seed of success.  It’s amazing how right he was…



Think & Grow Balls! – An Interview with J.D. Bloodstone

I finished writing Think & Grow Balls! in December of 2007.  The book had been churning in me for years before I actually set down to write everything out.  During my writing, I realized I was suggesting some pretty deep ideas.  Not feeling comfortable with what was in the book I set out to interview as many people as I could to bounce my ideas off of them.  I spent six months conducting field research, meeting and talking to new people, making great friends and solidifying my ideas which later become the final version of my book.  I think my book connects with so many people because my ideas were boiled down to the concepts that bind all of us together.  By the time I had the book ready to submit to my publisher, I had a list of hundreds of people that wanted an advance copy of it.  I knew I had written something good!



Escape Velocity Pep-Talk #1

Several years ago I used to write a series of e-mails called Escape Velocity Pep-Talks that I used to send out to my readers on a weekly basis.  They were extremely popular and my list of subscribers was growing on a daily basis.  I had several months worth of pep-talks written and several thousand subscribers when I received an e-mail from my service provider informing me that their server had crashed and lost all of my data.  I immediately picked up the phone to confirm the bad news and needless to say I was pretty bummed.
