PREVIEW: The Last Success Principle by J.D. Bloodstone

The following is an excerpt from my newest book, The Last Success Principle.  It has taken me a long time to get it into this final form.  What started as a single thought has finally evolved into what might be one of the most effective self help and self improvement books in existence.  It’s been a bumpy road, but I’ve had a lot of help along the way.  Many of my readers have helped shaped this book into what it now is and I’m very proud to share it with you…



The Carnegie Secret Revisited: An E-mail From a Reader

I receive e-mails from readers quite often, but I rarely get one as thought-provoking as this one.  This reader gives me their take on the Carnegie Secret and suggests I’ve missed the mark with my explanation. I received this message via e-mail on May 16, 2011. I have preserved all of the original punctuation and formatting.  I’ve also included my response.  So, what do YOU think?  Did I miss the mark?  I’d love to hear what you think.  Leave me a comment at the bottom.

1 Comment

Think & Grow Balls!: Free PDF Download

I’ve been thinking of doing something fun with my book for some time now and I thought my new blog would be a great place to try it.  What I would like to do is offer you my book for FREE.  You can download it by clicking the link below:

Think & Grow Balls! Free PDF Download

There, that was easy, wasn’t it?  So what’s the catch?  Well, the catch is that the file above is “password-protected” and you need a special password to open the file.  So, how do you get the password, you ask?  That’s easy!  You just have to complete the Password Scavenger Hunt.


Read more about the article Napoleon Hill’s Carnegie Secret Revealed!
Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill’s Carnegie Secret Revealed!

People are searching for the Carnegie Secret so intensely that they’re willing to pay good money for it.  But, before they do… they should know something about the secret:  it cannot be purchased for money… and, anyone who tries to sell it for a monetary price is a fraud.  Let me explain.  If Napoleon Hill wanted you to know what the secret was, don’t you think he would have told you in Think & Grow Rich?  If he wanted to make money off of the secret don’t you think he would have done so in his lifetime?  Or, perhaps his foundation might have done so in the years after his death?

I thought so.